Anyway, I am trying to figure out what I should do in my free time once I start working. I am a firm believer in continuous improvement and learning, and it needs to happen as much outside work as in. I will either be working on Java or .NET technologies at work, so I will have that covered. But what to do in my free time? Here are some ideas:
- Graphics technologies like OpenGL or DirectX
- 3D screensavers
- Study pixel shaders
- Novel 3D networked application (3D browser that doesn't suck?)
- Web applications
- Website that tracks progress toward a goal on projects
- Web comic
- Maybe not a good one, but a good experience nonetheless
- Programming webcomic? Should research existing ones first
- Deviant Art stuff
- Learn about art more professionally - get used to Photoshop CS4
- ACTUALLY READ the design books I bought a while back
- Web business
- Create a Super-low cost business, and fail at it (well try not to)
Those are just some Ideas floating around in my head at the moment, but its so exciting to be choosing between these things. The world is my oyster! I just hope I don't hate my job so much that I am exhausted by the end of the day consistently. Oh well. More ideas to come (and maybe even a comic!)